Thursday, March 8, 2012

rsync and backup files
rsync -r -t -v --progress -o -g -p -x -u -l  /fromdir/ /backupdir/

-r copies also all subdirectories within main directory
-t preserves modification times
-v verbose mode, shows more information
--progress shows progress during transfer
--delete deletes files in destination which are not present in the source
-c compares files contents by checksum
-l copies symbolic links
-z compresses files for faster transfer
-x don’t cross filesystem boundaries
-o preserves owner
-g preserves group
-p preserves permissions
-u update

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ubuntu 11.10 - VirtualBox working headless

I have the version 4.1.8.r75467 with it's extpack installed currently.

to start from command prompt:
>VBoxHeadless --startvm "VMName" &

to save and stop from  command prompt:
>VBoxManage controlvm "VMName" savestate

to lauch the remote desktop viewer from command prompt
>rdesktop -u bob -p bobpass -z -f

where bob is username and bobpass is the password and ip address of the VM machine is :